Monday, March 15, 2010

Times...... They are a-changin'!

Was it just me or did the setting the clocks forward one hour create chaos in your day yesterday too? hahahahha I'm telling ya I felt like I was chasing the day all day long. Here we were thinking we were soooo ahead of the game as we sat and had our coffee (LG) and tea (me) in the morning. We'd already swept the cinders from the hearth, slopped and walked the crew, and were congratulating ourselves on being so ahead of the game. Then we traipsed downstairs and started working on the computers and noticed we were behind an hour. hahahahaha Didn't even realized it was time to set the clocks forward (well, unless you live in Saskatchewan... where they are too dimwitted to do such things hahahahahaha and I can say that as I spent the better part of my youth in that province and fit right in! hahahaha). It seemed to me that the whole day felt like I was behind. So far behind that I thought I was winning, gentle reader! I had to hurry to get to making lunch, hurry to my nap, and hurry to getting to my chores! hahahahahha Am I getting old? Am I getting dimmer than I was? What was up with that? Thank goodness this nonsense only happens twice a year..... or less if I move back to my roots in Saskatchewan! hahahaha

Aaaaah the times..... they are a-changin'!

Mary Fran out.


Jen M said...

I LOATHE DST! LOL :) I never really cared growing up, but after living in Yuma, Arizona (where they don't do DST) I realized just how disruptive and pointless it is! I can't stand it now, and I'm pretty grouchy about it for the first week, lol. It really messes stuff up - kid's naps, getting up for school, bed times - grr! :)

Hope you can get back to feeling normal soon - and not in a hurry :)